Thursday, June 12, 2008

Six Steps...& I'm Still Alive

I was reminded again today how often I fail to praise God for the gift and mercy of life. Often times my thanksgiving is offered to Him as a result of a tedious task accomplished or a narrow miss of a side-swiping accident on I-65.

The children of Israel lived periods of their existence during the Old Testament completely separated from the presence of God. Most of the time this absence ensued as a result of rebellion. However, in the midst of hellish consequences (separation from God's presence), God's mercy and grace reached down and invaded their dark space. So grateful were the Israelites in 2 Samuel 6:13 they stopped every 6 paces and offered a worship sacrifice, thanking God they remained alive after carrying the Ark of God. They worshipped for two reasons:

1. God's mercy and grace alone allowed them to experience His presence again
2. Their earthly life was still in existence after 6 steps.

I do not slow down enough in life (even after 6,000 steps) to offer thanksgiving and praise to God for His breath in my lungs on a daily basis. What about you?


Anonymous said...

awesome post, babe. Keep blogging! You really need to write more often!!!

Tracy Brothers said...

What a great word. I can't wait to look at 2 Samuel 6. I agree, you should blog more. Ashley, please come help me do iGoogle so I know when Jason posts!

Christine Satterfield said...

Every six steps. Wow. Really makes me think about how much more I need offer thanksgiving and praise. Great post.